Wednesday, May 16, 2007

whiffs floating on the mists of the past: A man in dark times

Insipid future stagnates
in the well worn grooves of the past.
History devours the future.

The more things change,
more they remain the same.
A sad eternal truth tries unsuccessfully
To hide behind the thin guise of the context

But the fact remains.

And the fact is this:
lions are encircled by packs of wolves
And truth is nothing but a trap
Laid out by the naives: laid out for the fools
The Butterfly meekly turns back into caterpillar,
A dreamer is left holding the cold ashes of his dream.
While others sell them out
For higher places on the ladder.

But ..

Defeated yet unconquered
Broken still unshaken
Stands tall
Against odds all
A man:

A man in dark times.