Thursday, March 23, 2006

whiewww ... beginning of the ...

Years after being a start-stop diary writer, my tryst with blogging.
Let's see how long it lasts.

The dust has yet to settle down. you have to go to a totally new city and stay there by yourselves just to understand what it means. My response to this situation is what my response generally to everything is : I am right now pretty numb about it ;)
That's why Arthur Dent is the fictional character I relate to the most. Tells a lot, doesn't it?

I think I need to settle down completely before I really feel nostalgic about the past, about Bangalore and friends and stuff. Right now Hyderabad is all rosy and cool (despite all the confusion.) I have got a bi-cycle for myself. And riding it to office is real helpful in making me feel a part.

Right now looks like I am the only one riding a bike to the office. I am allocated a cubicle and
all my paraphernalia of talismans are in their place. It now includes two deers, one elephant (made of copper) and a cycle rider (new addition: wipro gang gave me this).

I am going through a lot of code at the office. Reading-understanding code and cycling are the things binding me to the old-me. Otherwise everything is so different.

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