Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ek simple see coffee

I have experienced this before. Right now the frequency has definitely reduced. But still there is surely such a phenomenon.

The phenomenon is like this:
I eat something. I really relish hogging. I am full and content. Then the craving starts.
I really die to get that bitter-sweet-hot cup of coffee.

It happened today. I had my first biryanee (of the veg kind) in Hyderabad. And now I am just sitting back at my desk with feet up on the table and a warm cup of milk coffee with extra sugar. If bliss is something else, then I am not dying to know what it really is.

This is just one off instance that somebody else cooks the food and I like it this much. Otherwise the coffee honor is reserved just for wifey's cooking ;)

It had been a daily ritual that she fills my lunch-box to the brim and I obediently finish all of it.
And then enjoy the unavoidable urge for a cup of very sweet coffee, fight it for sometime and then give in.

It gives more pleasure that way ;)

Can life be happier ??!!!

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