Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Blast from the past: Ashiqui

Happened to watch this movie in a tinpot bus on my disastrous journey back from Pune. The old days came alive again.
The days when I'd just entered the teens, my world was limited to the small town of Udgir. Almost nothing was impossible. Richest of my friends had the Hero MTBs with horizontal handles. Bikes were rare even on the roads of the town and cars were almost never seen. The world was so small that even distances of 3-4 KMs used to feel pretty large. Now-a-days I just marvel how tiny that world was. What is a quick walk of 10 minutes now was a grand excursion then, small two lane roads were highways we were warned to be careful on. Measly sum of hundred rupees was an asset to be held on to for months together.
So at such an interesting juncture in life when I was just enjoying the first few days of heady teens did this movie hit my senses full blast. I see it now and I see how gullible I was then. Or how gullible youth is in general.
The movie was one of the first of what is now known as Bhat formula. Hummable music (preferably lifted), DOA storyline (the timing of the movie is very short. And the funny part is that the movie is over before the half time of that short time. Then it is pulled across the rope by some twists you can tell coming from miles away), bad camerawork, barely passable screenplay, very bad acting, generally nasal singers (from Kumar Sanu to Himesh). But astounding and heavenly lyrics.
And the lyrics are the ones which got my goat that time. I liked them so much that it glossed over all the other shortcomings of the movie.
Here is a sample:

I think the Bhat's have mastered this formula over last twenty-twenty five thirty years. Only addition to the formula are a little bit improved screenplay and a lot of skin. The quality of the lyrics unfortunately is not the same.

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