Friday, June 12, 2009

Seven point someone

While a lot of things have been happening in life, I have been trying to improve on somethings I have kept in background.

One of them is health. I have lost double digit kilograms and now building my "lean muscles" :)

But more on that later. Some other day when I reach a milestone I have set in mind, I will gloat about it.

Today I am gloating for something else that I decided I will do. There have been many instances in last 10 years where I wanted to continue my studies and do the masters. There have been people in my room (Amya,Pady etc) who actually appeared for a number of exams (GATE etc). Studied seriously for some of them (GRE/TOEFEL) and actually got admission to US universities.

I just kept lazing around, finding different reasons to not apply for entrance exams and then more reasons for not going to those exams I applied for.

With the tremendous support (and cajoling) from my better half, I finally decided to get a masters. In all enthu I applied for BITS MS course. I have been tracking what is happening there in my another blog, which can be seen here.

The pattern of the exam is that there is a midterm closed book test with 40% of the marks and full term we have a open book exam with 60%. After the initial euphoria, I studied only for last two weeks just before each of the exams. It was pretty bad with a lot of things happening around. Work,kids,home everything was crying for my attention.

Pallavi took care of everything else. Made sure I am not disturbed. Put up with vagaries of my moods. I desperately wanted to do well, at least to justify all the pain she had gone through.

And I finally made it. Good thing is that i did not drop any subject. Better thing is that I scored more than just passing marks in each of the subject, which is a definite improvement over me during graduation :) Best thing is that I got a CGPA of 7.6.

This is just the beginning, I have three more semesters to go. But as they say, well begun is half done. Full to credit of course goes to Pallavi :)

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